Kids love playing party games and we have compiled a list of easy kids party games that are loads of fun to play and also budget-friendly.

Most kids party games can be played using everyday items from around the home and small prizes such as sweets, stickers, stamps, or whistles can be purchased from party shops or discount stores.

10 Fun Kids Party Games

1. Pass The Parcel

Wrap the main prize with wrapping paper. Continue adding wrapping layers and include a small treat with each layer.  Have all guests sit in a circle and pass the parcel around to music.  When the music stops the person holding the parcel unwraps a layer until all the layers are removed. You can also use a ‘parcel box’ instead and fill with treats and kids choose a prize from the box when the music stops on them. Easy to use your own box or purchase an electronic Pass the Parcel box.

2. Donuts on a String

Each player needs a donut.  You can tie them all on to one big piece of string or ribbon or tie and hang up individually. Contestants then have to try and eat their donut using only their mouths, no hands allowed.  First one to finish their donut wins.

3. Marshmallow Pick Up

Empty a packet of mini marshmallows on the center of the table. Give all guests a noodle box and a set of chopsticks. See who can pick up the most marshmallows with their chopsticks.

4. Bobbing For Apples

Fill some small tubs with water and add a few apples to each. Contestants then kneel down and hold their hands behind their backs. It is then a race to see who can pull out an apple in their mouth/teeth without using their hands. (Close adult supervision is obviously required for this game!) 

5. Limbo

Have the two people hold the limbo stick (you can use a broom/mop stick). Start the game by holding the stick about 1.5m from the ground.  Everyone in line must then go under the stick by walking forward and bending backward under the stick.  If someone touches the stick they are out.   Once everyone has had a turn going under start again by lowering the stick.  Continue lowering the stick each round until there is only one player that can make it under the stick.

kids party games

6. Pinata

Hang the pinata and have guests stand in a line at least three meters away.  Each child then gets two hits of the pinata (blindfold optional).  Take turns until the pinata breaks. Let everyone collect the sweets and treats (make sure the stick is removed before collecting goodies.)

A fun spin on the traditional pinata is to fill individual balloons with sweets and confetti.  Guests then take turns to pop a balloon with a pin and collect the goodies inside.

7. Backyard Kerplunk

The object of the game is to remove the stick without any balls falling out. Each player takes a turn to remove one stick at a time. The person with the least amount of balls wins.

8. Egg & Spoon Races

Give each child a wooden spoon and an egg.  Place the egg on the spoon and walk as fast as you can to the finish line without dropping your egg.

9. Pool Noodles & Balloon Game

Using only pool noodles try and get as many balloons as you can into your basket.  The person with the most balloons wins.

10. Glow in the Dark Ring Toss

A fun spin on the traditional ring toss.  Using necklace glow sticks, take turns throwing at the stick.  Try different ways of tossing the rings such as hopping on one foot, throwing backward, etc.

**TIP – Parents, have your cameras ready.  We have played some of these games at my childrens parties and it was a blast!  Everyone was having a great time and laughing and it made for some simple but amazing memories.

If you are looking for party suppliers or entertainment for your party don’t forget to check out our party directory.

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