Christmas can be a very expensive time of year for many families. It’s not uncommon for kids to change their mind, or want to keep up with fads and trends and well. Making decisions about what to get kids for Christmas gifts can be difficult for parents – even Santa has trouble with this at times! One thing that is always a sound investment for families is a trampoline. The trampoline has not fallen victim to fads or trends. Your kids will never be too old to enjoy the trampoline and it’s the perfect gift suitable for the whole family and can be used all year round!

Five Reasons Why Trampolines Are A Great Gift for Kids this Christmas:

  • A trampoline gives a mental health boost:  Jumping on a trampoline releases endorphins which lifts a child’s mood, and promotes self-confidence, well-being and happiness. Even those least confident with sports will find it possible to make some progress on a trampoline giving them a sense of achievement, which helps boost confidence. It’s also a perfect after school activity to clear their minds after a busy day!
  • It’s more effective than jogging!: Studies by NASA scientists show that jumping on a trampoline is 68% more effective than jogging and yet requires less effort! (Article Source: It also strengthens and lengthens muscles which in turn increases their flexibility. Jumping on a trampoline whilst trying to maintain balance and coordinate arms and legs requires the brain to use both sides of the body which is very different to many ground based sports.
  • Versatility: Trampolines can be transformed into new play spaces by popping on the sunshade, getting out the blankets and pillows and turning it into the coolest sleepover location (and you don’t need to leave the backyard)! It’s also the perfect place to host movie nights with your friends and family. Whilst they are also a great spot for stargazing at night, they are also terrific in the hot summer months to have a bit of hose and sprinkler fun while letting them cool down in a safe and enclosed environment.
  • Trampolines can be great for therapy: For some children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder or a physical disability jumping on a trampoline assists in brain growth and neurological development.  It gives them the opportunity to participate in open ended play (freedom for self expression), it’s calming or alerting depending on what their sensory system needs and it can develop relationships with their peers and siblings. Springfree Trampoline is an approved registered NDIS provider throughout Australia and currently work with many NDIS agencies and organisations.
  • Get Outdoors: The kids will love getting outdoors and enjoying some fresh air! It will keep the kids busy and active for hours!

This blog was written as part of a collaboration with Springfree Trampoline.  This content has been written in accordance with the guidelines as published by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). This information is general in nature and should not replace professional advice or opinion given by a health professional or doctor. The children featured in this blog are not patients or clients. The photographs must not be reproduced, copied or edited without permission.

Elise Easdown (Occupational Therapist)

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