Nowadays, all parents are concerned about the level of education of their children. Gadgets and their entertainment capabilities overshadow anything else that can be useful.
Parents are now worried that, at a time of rising levels of illness, their children may receive bad education, with dire consequences in the future. That is why it is important to pay special attention to early childhood education and explore ways of how to do this so that the child wants to learn something new and interesting.
Fortunately, progress has stepped forward a long time ago. In addition to arcade shooters and simulators, parents can find tons of educational software to help instill in their child a love of learning through play.
In this article, we will explain why it is important to abandon obsolete teaching methods and share the very best educational games and apps.
Forget about traditional teaching methods
The traditional presentation of educational material has been associated with boredom and rote learning. Unsurprisingly, such methods do not generate a desire to learn and develop. The main thing was to tell and show, but not to arouse interest.
Why not let the kids do their education in the same way? We see a huge number of applications that offer children to slowly study the material and comprehend it. The child can study a foreign language, mathematics, and geography in a playful way and without pressure.
The most difficult things are explained in simple terms. You can choose the level of training and move at your own pace. You can show your child a whole world of interesting facts with helpful apps.

Every parent knows that it is important to know foreign languages. This increases the chances of getting a better job offer. It is also not only important for future employment, but also for increasing the flexibility of the mind.
Duolingo app is considered to be the best app for learning any foreign language. You do not need to send your child to language courses, because now you can do this without leaving your home.
Here, your child will receive a one-to-one learning course to help them improve their reading, speaking, and listening skills.
The application is accessible and understandable for every user, even the smallest ones. Each user gets free access to all possible training and exercises. First, the child will be able to review the theory, and then start training to consolidate the knowledge. That which is poorly remembered can be constantly trained until your child remembers.
Khan academy
This is a great app for learning math, science, computer science, economics, arts, and humanities. Your child will be able to study materials from different areas of knowledge in a fun way.
First, you will need to take a test to determine your level of knowledge, and then the program will create a personalized training program for your child. This application can be compared to educational camps, where you can gain knowledge in many areas of expertise.
Each parent will be able to view the level of progress and understand if the child needs help with learning.
Your child will be able to take the course both on a computer and on a mobile device. The application contains a huge collection of lectures presented in the form of videos, which are much easier to understand than text information.

Mathematics is considered one of the difficult subjects. However, it can now be explored in a fun way with Photomath. Your children will be able to find the answer to the solution to the problem. At the same time, they will see the solutions and a complete description of the actions. The math will be clearer with step-by-step explanations.
The advantage is that the animated characters will explain to the child how to solve a particular problem. Difficult tasks become easy ones thanks to a simple explanation.
Quizlet allows children to study different subjects through interesting and fun flashcards. Mathematics, science, art, foreign languages, computer technology, and much more are available for study.
These flashcards present complex terms in a simple and easy-to-understand explanation. Children will be able to complete interactive quizzes that will increase their involvement in the process. This application is convenient to use even on a road trip.

The most promising field of activity is the study of programming. This software provides an opportunity to learn various programming languages. You can use this program both on a laptop and on a smartphone.
A feature of the application is that children can continue to study at the place where they left off without losing experience.
It is the best tool for beginners to get all kinds of useful knowledge to start learning. Kids will be able to repeat exercises to remember and improve their skills. Also, you independently choose the training time and the pace of training. Moreover, your child will be able to communicate with other users, participate in competitions and gain experience.
Kids need to understand how the world works. Here you can learn about what is happening in the world in the field of science. The child will be able to watch videos about any scientific explanation.
All materials have been developed by scientists from all over the world, so the quality of information is guaranteed. The child will be able to independently study various subjects with a good overview. By clicking on an item, you will receive complete information from a scientific point of view.
New materials are released every week to broaden your child’s horizons.
How to track the progress?
Many parents are convinced that when they are not around, children will choose their favorite game, not an educational application. That is why, when you are not around, you can use the video recorder for your personal use to track your child’s progress. You will see what your children are doing and you will be sure that they are simply not wasting time. In case you cannot see what is happening on the screen due to bad video resolution, try to use the video quality enhancer.
You can also use the built-in trackers offered by the apps. The majority of applications are equipped with in-app portals for parents. They’ll have links to integrated trackers that summarize their child’s progress based on the child’s actual engagement.
And, the last, but not the least option, is getting involved yourself – let your child feel that you’re not spying and that you’re just helping with the education.
Parents can breathe a sigh of relief with the advent of educational software. Now children will be able to study science, foreign languages, mathematics, and much more in a playful way. Apps help you determine your skill level and provide a personalized learning program for your future development.