We all know how great participating in sports is for kids. There are so many aspects that help us make the decision to enroll our kids in sports like improving gross motor skills, coordination, social skills and building friendships. However, sometimes sports can be tough on your bank balance especially if enrolling multiple children. For this reason, we are happy to tell you all the details of how you can get FairPlay vouchers for kids in Queensland.

Voucher Amount Available

You can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 per child which can be used to participate in sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.

You may only apply for one voucher per child per calendar year. 

Eligibility – FairPlay Vouchers

You can apply if your child:

  • is a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 years (inclusive) at the time of application
  • have not already received a FairPlay voucher for this year
  • holds, or whose parent, carer or guardian holds, a valid Department of Human Services Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card with the child’s name on it. 

What Activities Are Available? 

You will need to check the activity provider directory to ensure the activity you have chosen is listed and that there is a registered provider in your area. 

How To Apply – FairPlay Vouchers

If you do not already have one you will need a QGrants Account – create an account.

Watch the video below for easy to follow instructions on how to apply. 

Important Information 

Terms & Conditions can be found here – terms and conditions 

Contact Information:

Email [email protected]
Call 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
Get help using QGrants

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