• Ask your child what they would like to do, they probably already know!
  • Speak with their classroom teacher about what they think your childs strengths are, they may have a musical talent that you didn’t know about or excelled during netball in PE lessons.
  • Think about what they enjoy and what excites them. Some children like going to hardware stores, some watching cricket, others dancing to music or maybe your child enjoys making masks or reading books!  Use their interests as your guide.
  • Think about your family schedule.  It can be very stressful for all involved rushing around from one place to another after school. Is the child required to show up at 6:30 every weekday morning for practice? Does the child’s art group conflict with your wrap-up Friday meeting at work? These difficulties can sometimes be worked out by co-operating with other parents for driving and delivery of kids, but it is something that has to be weighed in the balance.
  • Be mindful not to ‘push’ your child into choosing an activity which was something that you did or enjoyed as a child.  You may have been a basketball star at school but that doesn’t mean your child will be too.
  • Children also need to have enough free time for independent play as well as the structured activities. They need to have time to do homework, eat dinner and simply relax.
  • Don’t limit your child to gender specific activities.  Girls can excel at Auskick and boys can have great rythmn and bounce.
  • Check out our directory for ideas, just search by your location and see what is available!
  • Many parents say they wished their parents made them stick with something when they were younger.Once your child has made a commitment encourage them to to continue for the duration of activity or for older children stay with it for a minimum of 6 weeks. They may thank you later when they are representing Australia at the Olympics!

For ideas search www.whatson4kids.com.au

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