Everyone would love to have their business in the media.
People who work with children are in a perfect position to provide journalists with a ‘feel good’ story to finish the news with or provide some cute factor on the morning shows.
Cute kids dancing in front of their ipad – yes, please!
Here are some tips on how you can position yourself to be considered for a media feature.
1. Start local; contact your local paper, radio station, TV station.
2. Don’t forget to contact national news, morning shows etc. You never know your luck!
3. Look for other ‘feel-good’ stories with children and see if there is a particular journalist that covers those stories. They are your best bet!
4. Communicate via all social media channels i.e email, social media (Facebook, Insta DM, Twitter) and don’t forget to follow up. It may seem like you are hounding them but they will need reminding.
5. Be clear and concise when describing what your business is doing now given Covid-19. Think about it from a community perspective. What will they find interesting, funny, cute? You need to sell the story to them. The more work you do to write the story for them, the more success you are likely to have. Stories that pull at the heartstrings work well too.
6. Have video and photos of class to show them. There’s a strong chance they won’t be able to come and film you so will need to rely on your footage.
7. Ask for footage from your parents and get permission. Have them sign a release form so it is ready to go.
8. If you were a finalist or winner in 2019 What’s On 4 Kids Awards make sure you mention that.
9. Provide quotes by you e.g “Our community has really embraced us going online and said that their children are so happy to see their teachers and friends again”.
10. Sign up to www.sourcebottle.com and be emailed media opportunities.

6. Have video and photos of class to show them. There’s a strong chance they won’t be able to come and film you so will need to rely on your footage.
7. Ask for footage from your parents and get permission. Have them sign a release form so it is ready to go.
8. If you were a finalist or winner in 2019 What’s On 4 Kids Awards make sure you mention that.
9. Provide quotes by you e.g “Our community has really embraced us going online and said that their children are so happy to see their teachers and friends again”.
10. Sign up to www.sourcebottle.com and be emailed media opportunities.