Camping at Easter is a lovely family tradition for many families.
It doesn’t matter if it is your first time camping or you have done it a hundred times everyone can have a good time camping at home. The best part is no packing up a million things and dragging them to a far off location. You can go about camping at home in many different ways depending on your needs. You don’t have to camp out all night and can just create the camping experience but head into your cozy bed’s to sleep. Likewise, you can do your bedtime routines as normal for little ones but sleep outside. There is no right or wrong way to camp at home.

Setting Up A Campsite
Setting up a campsite can be lots of fun and will be easier if everyone gets involved and helps.
Sleeping Outside
If you intend on sleeping outside then I suggest you set up a tent. The last thing anyone wants while camping is to get cold or to be attacked by mozzies all night. Find a nice flat surface and use a tent big enough to comfortably fit everyone in. It can get very heated if everyone is piled on top of one another and no one will get any sleep that way. Pitching the tent may be too tough a task for little ones but you can have them help with laying out a tarp or spreading out the sleeping bags or blankets once erected.
Sleeping Inside
There are some situations in which you may prefer to sleep inside. This may be because you have little ones who are too young to take part in the camping experience but will be asleep in their own cot/bed. You have the option of sleeping in your own beds as usual after enjoying other camping related fun outside. Otherwise, you can create a makeshift tent indoors. This can be achieved by hanging sheets over a dining table or simply just putting mattresses and cushions on the floor. If you have a small tent it could be erected inside if you have space.
Make It Magical
Other things to consider when setting up a campsite whether inside or outside are ways to make it magical. You can make things magical by stringing fairy lights, these can give the illusion of stars if you are inside or in a built-up area where you are unable to see the stars. There is a website Virtual Fireplaces that will turn your phone or tablet into a camp fire.
Campfire Cooking
Who doesn’t love cooking on a camp-fire? Whether its toasting marshmallows or cooking up a roast in a camp oven. Not everyone will be able to have an open camp-fire so we have come up with some alternatives. If you have a fire pit you will have no issues with cooking up some hot dogs or toasting marshmallows. If you don’t have a fire pit you could use your BBQ. I don’t need to tell you what you can cook on your BBQ as the possibilities are endless. However, you won’t be able to toast marshmallows in the traditional way but we have found these campfire cones which can easily be done on a BBQ.
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Games & Activities – Camping At Home
If setting up the camp-site, cooking on the BBQ and toasting smores isn’t enough excitement why not plans some games and activities. Here are some of our favourites:
- Backyard Scavenger Hunt – This back yard scavenger hunt has a free printable so all the hard work is done for you.
- Yard Games – Now is a great time to pull out the yard games like Bocce or have a game of back yard cricket.
- Camp-fire Stories – Get the kid’s imaginations flowing with coming up with their own camp-fire stories or take the lead and tell your own. Just make sure its nothing too scary for the little ones.
- Camping Charades – Charades is always fun but here’s a camping related free downloadable to make it extra fun!
Whether you choose to camp indoors or outdoors, have a camp-fire or BBQ, play games or read stories, I’m sure it will be a wonderful experience the whole family can enjoy. If you have any other suggestions for camping at home we would love to hear them in the comments.