So you think you know all there is to know about the humble pineapple? Well, it turns out there’s more to this fruit than meets the eye. From its delicious taste to its amazing health benefits, the pineapple brings so much to the table to talk about. Below, we share 10 things that maybe you didn’t know about our little tropical friend.

The best pineapples to eat in Australia are in fact the CROWNLESS ones that come from local farmers Pure Gold Pineapples.  Click here for more information on the benefits of these great tasting pineapples.

Pure Gold Pineapples – The King of Fruit has been an annual silver sponsor since the 2016 What’s On 4 KidsAwards.

The Pure Gold Pineapple fresh variety (73-50) which is locally grown in the Sunshine Coast, QLD is the same grown in Hawaii. This Pineapple is grown to be freshly cut as it has low acidity, extra sweet flavour, and a single serve (100g) will provide your recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C. In store they are ripe all year round but especially sweet during winter. The best time to buy a Pure Gold Pineapple is right now.     

  1. Not one but many fruits in one

Firstly, did you know that a pineapple is not a singular fruit, but a cluster of smaller parts all conjoined into one larger fruit. The result is a deliciously tasting, characteristically yellow super food that has so many great features, you will want to go out and grab one today. It takes almost 3 years for a pineapple to reach the shops, that is one long labour of love in a fruit.

  1. It’s not a pine nor is it an apple – it’s a berry!

And unlike SpongeBob SquarePants they do not grow underwater, they grow from the centre of a plant that looks like a bigger version of themselves with the spiky leaves.

  1. The symbol of Welcome & Friendship

Did you know in the Colonial days in early America, hostesses would display pineapples in a symbolic gesture of welcoming and honoring their guests. Sailors returning home would display a pineapple on their porch to tell their neighbours they were home. To this day, it’s a symbol of welcome and merriment in a household.

  1. Great snack, low calories

Fresh pineapple is low in calories. Its flesh contains no saturated fats or cholesterol; however, it is rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre like pectin making it the perfect snack for those wanting to lose a few kilos. Below we share some great pineapple flavour matches to get your mouth watering.

  1. Contains a powerful Enyzme with loads of uses

Pineapples are loaded with a powerful mix of enzymes known as bromelain, which has so many uses. It’s shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and digestive aid. Try it on your skin, the anti-inflammatory properties will help alleviate some of the pain, redness and swelling associated with acne.

  1. Pineapples are the new Orange

Pineapples are packed full of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid and dietary fibers which makes it a tasty way to build your immunity. The bromelain in pineapples can also assist with coughs and loosens mucus. Great alternative to half time fruit at your kids next sporting day or in the school lunch. So when your throat is feeling a little scratchy and your nose a little blocked, try adding some freshly cut pineapple to your diet to give your immunity the boost that it needs.

  1. No waste

Bet you didn’t know that the skins, core and ends of a pineapple are not discarded in pineapple canneries but instead used to make a number of products such as vinegar, alcohol and animal food. If you have a compost heap at home, the skins of the pineapple make for great worm food too.

  1. Not only taste good but look great

Taking pride of place in the fruit bowl, pineapples make great alternatives to table decorations and décor in your home. Pineapples are everywhere at the moment from cushion covers, paintings, prints on clothing to napkins and table lamps. Give your home a tropical inspired make-over today.

  1. Perfect flavour pairings with pineapple

Pineapples can work with a range of different food groups, some that you might not have thought of.  Such as…

Coconut; With an array of ideas to blend these two flavour sensations from drinks to toasted coconut pineapple chunks, let your imagination run wild.

Cottage cheese; My Grandma used to combine cottage cheese, pineapple and a pinch of salt together. The flavor is something else and also nutritious to boot.

Ham; Ham and pineapple pizza is one of those couples that make you happy because they are a classic good old-fashioned love of when you were a kid.

  1. Party Like a Pineapple

With pineapples on trend at the moment, why not celebrate your little ones next birthday with a tropical theme.  Think pineapple juice and treats, pineapple party wares and gold sprayed pineapples for table styling. Image source Saffy & May

So there you go, so many uses for the humble pineapple, be sure you go out and grab a ‘Pure Gold Pineapple’ today.

This post is sponsored by ‘Pure Gold Pineapples‘ which are sold in Woolworths, Coles, Harris Farm, IGA and most local Green Grocers exclusively in Aldi stores across Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. 

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